CISM Pastoral Crisis Intervention

Sky Kershner is a ICISF Approved Instructor for this course.
Contact Sky for more details


CISM Pastoral Crisis Intervention I

Course Description:
This original 2-day course (previously known as Pastoral Crisis Intervention) introduces the concept of Pastoral Crisis Intervention as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention. Participants will learn how pastoral interventions and traditional psychological crisis interventions may be effectively integrated.


Program Highlights:

  • Nature of human crisis
  • Nature of crisis intervention
  • Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
  • Signs and symptoms of the crisis state
  • The “crisis of faith”
  • Criteria for psychological triage
  • Strategic SAFER-PCI Model
  • Common PCI Mistakes
  • Challenging PCIs

Continuing Education Information:

Two-Day Course, 13 contact hours. Must be present for the entire time to qualify for ICISF Certification.

Certificate of Specialized Training Program:

This course is a part of the Core Curriculum for the Certificate of Specialized Training Program.

From the ICISF website (the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)